Lessons & Activities
Lessons & Activities
Information for Snowsport Instructors
After a minimum of 5 days of admission training (ZA), you can enter the modular training to become a snow sports instructor with a federal certificate.
The snowsport instructor training comprises several modules and is divided into the training levels aspirant, instructor and snowsport instructor with federal certificate. You can choose the sequence of modules yourself. The minimum duration of training up to the professional examination is two years.
How do I become a snow sports instructor?
Where do I start? What happens next? And what can I expect?
The job profile
As an employee of a snow sports school or as a self-employed person, the snow sports instructor teaches and looks after his guests in terms of safety and the enjoyment of snow sports. More information
Financial support
All cantons support you financially in the modular training to become a snowsports instructor. More information
Risk Activities Act
Snow sports instruction outside the secured pistes is regulated in the Federal Law on Mountain Guides and Offering Other Risk Activities. More information